Nonna always used to say “when I’m-a gonna die, I want you to have this” pointing at whatever various treasures were in her apartment (she’s said this since I can remember, so for at least the past 41 years). What she didn’t realize was that the TIME with her was the real treasure. And she gave it sooo freely.πŸ₯°
Her cooking was stuff of legend. And she fed EVERYONE – friends, extended family, ex in laws, you name it — you were welcome at her table. For ALL. 7. COURSES.
I adored watching her cook. We all did. Her kitchen was the smallest room in her apartment & yet every occasion, we all somehow ended up in there. My fondest memories of her will always be around that table, where she shared not only “recipes” (a little of this, some of that…), but also stories of Sicily & family, as well as random Italian riddles.
She had the most beautiful voice & would sing opera all the time. She & my nonno gave us all the gift & appreciation of music.
She was simultaneously the kindest person in the world & the most stubborn (testa dura!), & she could seriously scare the s#$! out of you with one look of her eyesπŸ˜³πŸ˜‚
Her generosity knew no bounds & she took care of others well into her late 80s. Even in recent years when the confusion of Alzheimer’s was taking hold, she still took care of us in any way that she could. You never left her home empty handed.
I spent a ton of time with her growing up & she took me everywhere with her. She was independent & could do it all, and taught all of us women to do the same.
She was 99 when she passed on January 7th, a testament to her determined nature, but also to what an extraordinary woman she was. We are so blessed & grateful to have had her with us for so long, yet it still doesn’t feel like enough time. Thank you Nonna, for more than I could ever possibly put into words. You watched over us here on earth, and now you’re watching over us with the angels. You will forever have a piece of my heart. Sei il mio tesoro! Tanti baci e abbracci. Ti voglio bene, sempre.πŸ’žπŸ’—πŸ’œ
tua Shaunita

Shauna Weber

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